On 28 June 2023, the final event of the Moot Court Environmental Law 2023 took place in Vienna.
After the three-month project period, the professional battle of strength of 5 different student teams is now at an end. The teams all mastered their assigned roles in the best way possible. The focus of the disputes in 2023 was the approval of the pumped storage power plant Limberg III in the Kaprun power plant group of Verbund AG.
Our partners Barbara Egger-Russe and Laura Neururer-Blum supported the Innsbruck team as practice supervisors, together with the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Arno Kahl (Institute for Public Law, Political and Administrative Science).
We congratulate the winning team of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration as well as all participating students on their performance, especially “our” team with Karin Gubi, Marlene Steiner and Dzenana Berberovic, who took the role of an NGO. We wish them continued success and fun in their legal work!
Furthermore, we would like to thank our colleagues from NHP Rechtsanwälte with initiator Peter Sander for the organisation as well as all MCUR contributors.
Fotos: © Tobias Neugebauer, Dzenana Berberovic