Environmental law is a very broad and particularly dynamic area of law. We advise mainly commercial and industrial companies in a wide range of sectors in various areas of environmental law.
Our consulting portfolio in environmental law ranges from waste law (Waste Management Act, waste characteristics, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, grading procedures, waste treatment plants, landfills, cross-border waste transportation/notification procedures, collection and recycling systems, the packaging ordinance, administrative penal proceedings under waste law) to the law governing the remediation of contaminated sites (obligation to pay contributions according to the Act on the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (AlSAG), forestry law (clearing procedures), trade law (operating plant permits, changes to operating plants, remediation procedures, industrial police contracts/measures), air pollution control law (Emission Control Act – Air), nature conservation law (especially Tyrolean nature conservation law, Natura 2000 areas, Alpine Convention), environmental information law (Environmental Information Act – UIG), the EIA law (environmental impact assessments, EIA determination procedure) to water law (Water Rights Act 1959, hydroelectric power plants, re-lending procedures, opposition procedures, procedures for the compulsory granting of easements and expropriation procedures).
Trade law is a separate area of expertise.
We principally advise and represent our clients in all phases of an environmental law project, from the concept and planning phase and during the entire approval procedure up to project completion.
In the event of environmental damage, we also advise and represent in questions of private environmental law before the civil courts (environmental liability).
In individual cases, we also advise and represent in criminal proceedings involving environmental issues, especially regarding the responsibility of legal entities.
Areas of focus:
- Legal support in the implementation of various projects and plans under environmental law
- Preparation of legal expert opinions on environmental law issues
- Establishing and maintaining contact with the environmental authorities
- Representation in the various regulatory and administrative court approval procedures with environmental relevance, appeals against notices
- Advice and representation in private environmental law (environmental liability)
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