After a two-year break, an actual Eurojuris International congress finally took place again from 14.10.21 to 17.10.2021. More than 100 participants exchanged views on recent developments in their expert groups.
The expert group on corporate law, which convened together with the expert group on insolvency law, was chaired by our partner Barbara Egger-Russe, who currently holds the chair of the expert group on corporate law.
Our associate Andrea Pegger, who also attended the congress as a board member of the group for lawyers under 40 called “Jurismus”, was able to exchange views with internationally active lawyers in the International Business Group, while Barbara Egger-Russe attended the General Assembly of Eurojuris International as President of Eurojuris International Austria.
In addition to the busy work schedule, there was also a lot of fun to be had. As part of this year’s Ella meeting, we baked delicious macarons, and they were good!!
The Programme: Eurojuris PG Meeting Joint Session Corporate and Insolvency