GPK Pegger Kofler & Partners: Aiming High

We have expanded: Our law firm is celebrating its move to the 4th floor at the already familiar location in Maria-Theresien-Strasse in Innsbruck!

Our main office is still on the 2nd floor and is where we receive our clients. Additional offices and a common room with kitchen are now located on the 4th floor.

We are delighted that the Vienna-based law firm Heid & Partner Rechtsanwälte has also established a branch in these premises.

Special thanks from the entire law firm team go to the initiator Ivo Greiter and our partner Norbert Rinderer, who coordinated and managed all the construction work. Many thanks for more space to think and work, and to hold joint discussions.

From moving up to moving in – we have put together some impressions below.

Welcome to “our” new 4th floor:



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