Barbara Egger-Russe at the Eurojuris International PG Days in Ljubljana

Barbara Egger-Russe presented her new project of comparative law questionnaires in company law at the Practice Groups and Training Days held in Ljubljana from 16 to 19 May 2019 at the meeting of the Expert Group on Enterprise, Corporate and Tax Law. Using these questionnaires, lawyers specialising in corporate law from a large number of countries will present infomation on many topics relevant to corporate law and then compare it. Barbara Egger-Russe prepared and presented the first questionnaire in connection with the liability of GmbH shareholders.

Eurojuris International is a network of independent law firms in Europe, USA and Asia with offices in 650 different cities. Approximately 600 law firms and 6000 lawyers are members of Eurojuris International. Barbara Egger-Russe is the President of the Austrian Association “Eurojuris International Austria”.

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