Business Succession in the Tourism Industry

Dr Franz Pegger, together with Prof. Christian Fritz LL.M, MBA, composed an article titled “Business Succession in the Tourism Industry – Knowledge and Advice based on Consultancy Experience”.

Their contribution was published in the second edition of “Entrepreneurship and Tourism –  Entrepreneurial Thinking and Success Strategies” (Linde Verlag 2016) written by the professors Hubert Siller and Anita Zehrer of the Management Center Innsbruck (Tourism Department) .

With case-studies, interviews with selected top-entrepreneurs and best practice examples, “Entrepreneurship and Tourism” illustrates successful approaches in dealing with changes and offers incentives and suggestions for future trends. The work is a reference book and course literature for the MCI’s master degree of the same name and is divided into the following chapters:

  • Entrepreneurship and Management Skills
  • Family Business Management
  • Marketing Management
  • International Tourism and Markets
  • Destination and Innovation

Publisher: Linde Verlag

Entrepeneurship und Tourismus

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